Delivering your music for consumers.
Dynamic Control
Ensuring the master has enough punch and control is one of the most crucial part of the mastering process. We always try different limiter, multiband and dynamic compressor to find the right balance for your final mix.
EQ & Saturation
Though most of the EQ and harmonic insertion heavylifting is made at the mix stage, the mastering stage usually involve some fine polishing with narrow EQ notches or some coloration with small EQ moves. To add some color, we may add some slight distortion/saturation harmonics with tape machine emulator or other plugins.
Sound System Consistant
The essential part of delivering a good master is making sure it translates to all sound system as we know not everyone use high end quality monitors at home. From the car to the bluetooth speakers and headphones, the master is validated through many sound system to failsafe its consistancy.