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Ulfhednar - Allfather's War (Official Video)

Ulfhednar - Allfather's War (Official Video)

BRETHREN, WAR IS UPON US Not just any kind of war... THE ALLFATHER'S WAR ! This song is a retelling of the epic war that opposed the aesir gods to the vanir gods. In the original legend, this war of steel and magic ends with a peaceful hostage exchange between the two godish factions. Bur our retelling is not the same. War, in itself, is inherent to human nature. Therefore, war is also inherent to the old ways of the gods, but as they Aesir and Vanir gods, they are all-powerful. Then, in our eyes, this war would never end. It would be a bloody, violent and cruel war that would go on until nothing is left to burn. Allfather's War is also the tale of soldiers blindly following orders and slowly realizing they are stuck in a vicious death machine in which none makes it out. No one is to stop until the battle is ended, until the Allfather's war is won. In the end, it is the greed, but also the lies and deceit of the gods that are depicted in this video and in this song. The gods, in the end, were no better than humans. Brethren, enjoy our latest piece of work : All father's war Music production by Nova Sound Recording - Antony Lepage Video production by François Bertrand - Le Bestiau des vidéos Thanks to all participants in the clip, it would not be possible to achieve all of this without this kind of support. Hail the Gods
False Gods - "Immolation" MV

False Gods - "Immolation" MV

!! Horizontal version !! --- Weibo: --- Official MV info: 如标题所言,这支「Immolation」的MV是以AI绘图技术+动态漫画形式结合而成的,也是FalseGods伪神自组建以来制作的首支MV。 早在2023年初,团队成员就已经开始构想为这首更具叙事深度、更富有画面冲击力的单曲,赋予一支与其相配的MV,在这个传统“MusicVideo”早已失去基本效能的时代里,如何呈现出一支令自己满意也能尽量丰富大家视听的作品,是个巨大的难题。 起初考虑到战锤主题充满幻想而又不失恢弘磅礴的特性,不管是漂泊于太空的艨艟巨舰,还是地面上大量火舌吞吐、短兵相接的阿斯塔特,毋庸置疑的是,都很难通过现实中的常规拍摄手法来达成。 也许动画,有机会实现这个看似遥不可及的目标。 在MV计划启动前夕,我们格外幸运地结识了炑晨导演,这位受到国际同⾏⾼度认可的中国⾸位超写实CG电影⼈,与⽇本顶级动画公司Madhouse、世界顶级Weta Workshop⼯作室、新加坡MediaCorp传媒集团等公司保持着长期合作,多年来于国内外斩获多项业界知名奖项,其开创的面部粘贴泡沫球的动捕技术曾一度改变诸多好莱坞影视特效大厂惯用的技术方式。 在数轮反复沟通「Immolation」的背景故事、音乐创作思路后,炑晨导演提出了尝试以AI绘图技术为基础的制作思路。AI绘图能够解决“普罗斯佩罗之焚”中描述的场景和角色所涵盖的巨大图像需求,以相当高的精度进行还原黎曼努斯与太空野狼、马格努斯与千子、禁卫军团、寂静修女等角色,使普罗斯佩罗地表承载厚重历史的建筑与遭受猛烈轰炸后的残破景象形成剧烈的对比。 从作品呈现角度来看,动态漫画巧妙地实现了体现乐手们演奏状态的目的,由不同乐手、虚拟-AI绘图与现实-实拍镜头间切换的过程,最大化迸发出画面与音乐的情绪张力。另一方面,则是运用新技术对旧经典的一种致敬,对于和我们年龄相仿甚至更年长些的人们而言,在一部部翻阅漫画的过程中,许多人都曾获得过热血沸腾的沉浸体验,下一页甚至下一格中都存在着无限的可能,让太空野狼与千子在这些画面框中展开英勇的战斗,望着马格努斯在一幕幕走向落败的途中,骤然爆发出英雄主义的光芒,也许是一种中二,抑或是浪漫。 --- Lyric: 作词 : Yichen Zhao 作曲 : Yuqiao Man The embers of war engulf the stars Where sorcery and steel clash in brutal The howling wolves with teeth and claws Against the crimson tide that cracks the laws The wolf pack with razor claws and teeth, Against the crimson tide that scorns belief. In the midst of the chaos and the roar Battlefield ,We face our darkest fears and So much more,With a third eye blazing with arcane brew we'll fight for what is right and see it through Our might will rise our valor shine With hearts aflame and swords so fine,Our foes will fall as we take our stand against the tyranny of an iron hand The battle echoes through time and space. Where fate is carved with blade and blaze Blood and iron, a storm of might.’ Loyalistsand traitors,both blinded by the light. And in the heat of battle, the ground does shake The fiery explosion Makes the very air ignite the power of the sorcerer Coerce the time As the wolves charge forth, The wolves charge forth with raw emotion --- Info Band: FalseGods伪神乐队,技术敲击金属/旋律死亡金属乐队,已发行首张全长专辑「Embrace Eternal Suffering」,收录了近年创作的十首作品,这些作品源于生活里、历史上甚至是神话中的事件,无一例外的是,它们都充满了某种具有深远影响、难以磨灭的苦痛,透过事件中的视角,直面这形态各异、又避无可避的灾难。专辑发布后受到了国内外金属爱好者以及音乐媒体的一致好评,更是入选了声音图书馆举办的“2022年度最令人喜爱的唱片”TOP10。首张专辑以敲击金属为主轴,将时而激昂时而绵延的吉他编配贯穿始终,奠定了一番阴暗疯狂的音景。 不久前,乐队顺利完成了组建以来的首次国内巡演,经历十三站演出的洗礼后,乐队成员变更为音乐审美、演奏技术更为契合的优秀乐手,即将开启下阶段的新作创作。 主唱: 赵轶臣, 潘泓宇 吉他: 满渔樵, 汪竞同 贝斯: 张赫岩 鼓手: 合金坷垃 Name: False Gods - chinese name "伪神乐队" Country of origin: China/International Location: Ji'nan, Shandong Province, China/Montréal, Quebec, Canada Formed in: 2020 Genre: Black/Thrash Metal !! Don't forget to support the band !!

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